Monday, December 8, 2008

Creepiest Vegetables!

Some of the outlandish veg presented here are convoluted freaks of nature, while others have been manufactured by the hand of humans, either way, this collection will make you say "vegetables have feelings too."

Alien Veggies

Hellraiser XXVI, The Root of All Evil: Sometimes turnips just go bad

These dodgy looking vegetables featured in an advertising campaign for Progress Kids milk, claiming their milk has "a third of your child's daily nutrition. Because vegetables are scary." Bet parents had a great time getting their kids to eat their greens after that!

veggie alien, they're not exactly images of real veggies, they just had to be included for the creep factor. They were created by artist Till Nowak and inspired by the works of HR Giger and Giuseppe Arcimboldo.

Veggie alien in detail.

The ackee fruit, when ripe and opened, looks a bit too much like giant spider's eyes

Children of the Corn

Alien carrot spawn.

alien looking spud.

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